Together against psychological distress
There are many different stressors that affect all our mental health and yet simple things like cleaning or cooking can be done to feel like you are back in control. […]
What is mental health actually?
Mental health is the state of wellbeing in which someone can come to his/her full potential et face normal life situations and stresses that come with it. Someone with a good mental health can contribute to his/her community and work efficiently. Mental health is therefore a state of physical, mental, and social wellbeing and not only the absence of mental illness.
A good mental health allows someone to:
- Realize his/her full potential;
- Face life stresses;
- Work efficiently;
- Contribute significantly to his/her community;
To maintain a good mental health, here are proven ways:
- Positive and significant relationships;
- Physical activities;
- Feeling helpful;
- Sufficient sleep;
- Healthy food;
- Training on stress management and coping skills;
- A good laugh;
- Pleasant activities on your schedule;
- Get professional help if needed.
It is normal for our mental health to fluctuate during a lifetime.
To feel down in winter or depressed following a breakup are normal and healthy fluctuations. When someone faces difficulties or go through a certain amount of stress greater than his/her capability to adapt, that’s when mental illness can develop.
Text adapted from a newsletter written by Marc André Bédard, T.A.S. from Pont du Suroît, a non-profit organization helping mentally ill people’s surroundings.
Directory of organizations
Your CDC du Haut-Saint-Laurent has reviewed all its organizations to find your best allies for optimal mental health. This file was freely inspired by this newsletter published by Marc-André Bédard. Please note that an update has not been done since 2020. The CDC suggests that you contact the various organizations to find out about the latest services available.
Socialize and have fun
Une Affaire de Famille
Online workshops will allow “Une Affaire de Famille”‘s team to maintain many of their activities: Stimulation du langage (Language stimulation), Petits Aventuriers-Apprendre en s’amusant (Little adventurers – Learn while having fun), Aide aux devoirs (Homework support), Ressources pour les parents (Parent resources), Trucs et Astuces (Tips & tricks) and Coffee Meetup Café Rencontre– Trombone Café. New activities for toddlers are also held from Monday to Friday from 11:30 a.m. until noon. Everyone in the Haut-Saint-Laurent area is welcome to join the activities. Daycare centres had to pause during the reconfinement.
La Maison des Jeunes Huntingdon
Tons of online activities are organized for our teenagers by La Maison des Jeunes (youth center). Activity boxes are distributed twice a month so these young fellows can join activities that require specific material or ingredients. Since Covid-19, you don’t need to pay a membership to join all activities that are planned. Since September, La Maison des Jeunes also organize activities at Arthur-Piegon and are currently working on the “Génération Engagée” (engaged generation) that organize cross-generational (to be confirmed). Organizations such as the Centre Communautaire un Coin Chez-Nous and the Projet Communic-Action will be linked. To join the activities organized by the Maison des Jeunes Huntingdon, you just must register by Messenger on their Facebook page.
450 322-6140
Centre de Ressources familiales du Haut-Saint-Laurent
The organization has created a group to maintain the link with the families who attend the CRF. The group is a privileged means of communication for the weeks to come. It is a place of information, exchange, sharing and full of surprises to come! To join the group, the “visit the group” button is located at the top of the Facebook page.
450 264-4598 |
Website | Facebook
Entraide pour Monoparentales et Familles Recomposées du Suroît
The organization has transferred most of its support services online. They offer 2 support groups for separated families (one for parents and another for children aged 6 to 12) as well as 3 workshops: one on the break-up to support parents who are separating, another to support blended families who are experiencing difficulties and a workshop to help people who suffer from anxiety (called Clé-des-Champs). You can share your concerns by contacting the organization by email and you will be contacted by phone afterwards.
450 373-4047 |
Website | Facebook
Ancre & Ailes
For adults struggling with past or actual psychic illness or emotional distress, Ancre et Ailes offers occasions to benefit from mutual aid and counter social isolation. It provides a welcoming environment where participants could break down the isolation by increasing their sense of belonging within the group. Many face-to-face activities (to be confirmed). Psychological distress was addressed during the pandemic by telephone intervention (between 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m.). Workshops are booked in advance and there is no pre-requisite workshop to take part in. Membership to access services is $10/year. Programming ranges from art therapy to music therapy. A music group is formed every two weeks with a full music room. The organization would like to involve more young people to mix the generations. The activities are in “franglais”. A community meal (not for take-out) is served every day and a transportation service is offered (someone picks up the participants in the morning and brings them back in the evening). We can accommodate a maximum of 6 participants per day, so you must reserve your spot.
Le Pont du Suroît
The Pont du Suroît provides telephone and e-mail follow-ups to the family and friends of people living with mental illness, by appointment, according to its regular schedule, Monday to Friday, from 8 a.m. to noon and from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. A public discussion and sharing group, “Toujours là malgré tout! was created for their clients in order to bring together people who are coping with the mental illness of a loved one, to break the isolation and to help each other. There is also the “Les Causeries du Mardi avec Fanny” which is offered on Tuesdays from 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. on Zoom. The team collaborates in this discussion and sharing group dedicated exclusively to the members of the family and friends who accompany a loved one suffering from mental illness. Please note that this group is not an emergency service. If you need help, call the provincial line of the “Avant que ça craque” network at 1-855-272-7837. If it is urgent, call 911. All individuals requiring specific intervention will be referred to their local association for personalized support.
The Little Green Library
Members have access to a collection of over 100 e-books and can go to their website or leave a phone message to reserve paper books online and pick them up at the library when they are ready. Books must be returned only through the book chute; where they will be collected, sanitized, and quarantined for 72 hours. Computers are not accessible, and you still cannot sit down to read in the library. You are welcome to make suggestions to add to the collection. People who would like to become member can make their request on the phone or by email. It’s free for Residents, from Huntingdon, Dundee, Hinchinbrooke, and Franklin. For other municipalities, the cost is $20 per family and $5 for kids less than 15 years old.
Find help
Entraide pour Monoparentales et Familles Recomposées du Suroît
The organization has transferred most of its support services online. They offer 2 support groups for separated families (one for parents and another for children aged 6 to 12) as well as 3 workshops: one on the break-up to support parents who are separating, another to support blended families who are experiencing difficulties and a workshop to help people who suffer from anxiety (called Clé-des-Champs). You can share your concerns by contacting the organization by email and you will be contacted by phone afterwards.
450 373-4047 |
Website | Facebook
Centre de Ressources familiales du Haut-Saint-Laurent
The Centre de Ressources Familiales lends equipment for toddlers: books, toys, or specialized equipment by appointment. For families who are experiencing challenges related to the supply of and access to basic baby and toddler products or feminine hygiene products, or financial difficulties, the CRF can help. Simply leave a message and we will call you back to make an appointment to pick up what you need. Delivery is possible for those who cannot come to the office.
450 264-4598 |
Website | Facebook
Aidants Naturels du Haut-Saint-Laurent
During the pandemic, the services offered to caregivers are in the area of psychosocial support for seniors and their caregivers, either by phone or through Zoom, the friendship calls and the monthly support groups through Zoom. If you need a listening ear, comforting calls or psychosocial support, you can call and a counsellor will return your call as soon as possible.
Projet Communic-Action
The organization follows up by telephone with volunteers and beneficiaries to ensure the health and well-being of seniors who are losing their autonomy and living at home. Although the organization’s volunteers no longer offer home visits since the beginning of the pandemic, lonely seniors who are worried about their health can contact the organization to receive a friendly call every week. Within the limits of volunteer availability, the organization offers transportation for its members in need of essential services (except for medical transportation provided by SABEC).
Association pour la défense des droits sociaux de Huntingdon (ADDS)
Are you dealing with complicated paperwork you received from the government or a dispute at the housing authority? Working with low-income individuals and families in the Haut-Saint-Laurent territory, the ADDS is the right place to discuss difficult problems or situations to find solutions and answers (or refer you if necessary). Until February 8th, requests are handled by phone.
Comité de Chômage du Haut-Richelieu et du Suroît
Contacting the organization BEFORE you leave your job will ensure that you know the best way to proceed to avoid being penalized. If you are having a problem with Employment Insurance and do not have the support of a union to assist you, the organization offers support directly related to your file. Just leave a phone message and you will get a return call within 24 hours. The organization continues to keep you informed of the latest news through their Facebook page and is open from Monday to Thursday inclusively from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Le Pont du Suroît
The Pont du Suroît provides telephone and e-mail follow-ups to the family and friends of people living with mental illness, by appointment, according to its regular schedule, Monday to Friday, from 8 a.m. to noon and from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. A public discussion and sharing group, “Toujours là malgré tout! was created for their clients in order to bring together people who are coping with the mental illness of a loved one, to break the isolation and to help each other. There is also the “Les Causeries du Mardi avec Fanny” which is offered on Tuesdays from 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. on Zoom. The team collaborates in this discussion and sharing group dedicated exclusively to the members of the family and friends who accompany a loved one suffering from mental illness. Please note that this group is not an emergency service. If you need help, call the provincial line of the “Avant que ça craque” network at 1-855-272-7837. If it is urgent, call 911. All individuals requiring specific intervention will be referred to their local association for personalized support.
Via L’Anse
Do you feel more aggressive, more irritable than usual? A couple or family conflict does not seem to be settling, you are going through a break-up, or you are suffering from jealousy. Call Via L’Anse to get some tips to help you control the storm without any judgment. We will set up 2 to 5 intake meetings with you and then you can join a support group (20 meetings over 4 months) or an individual group (5-6 or 20 or more), all at no cost. We try to accommodate the first appointment within 2 weeks. A counsellor is in Huntingdon 2 days a week (to be confirmed). You just must make an appointment by phone.
450 370-3200
Résidence-Elle du Haut-Saint-Laurent
Because it is not forbidden to flee (with or without their children) when the threat is at home in case of domestic violence (whether physical, psychological, sexual, or economic), know that there is a shelter where you can stay. A telephone service is available 24/7 at the Résidence-Elle for any questions or emergencies. A counsellor is on site to listen to you, give you advice and accompany you through the process. The organization supports you by phone, email or in person and can help you protect yourself.
450 264-2999
Les Habitations des Tisserandes
During the pandemic, the organization continues to offer social housing to people with specific situations (domestic violence, mental and physical health, drug addiction, homelessness, etc.) to live in adequate housing at a low cost to stabilize their situation and improve their living conditions. The people welcomed who are experiencing psychological distress can confide in on-site workers 3 days a week to accompany them in their rehabilitation. It is 27 social housing units for people who have a difficulty (other than economic) and who are referred by a CLSC worker or another organization. This is not emergency housing: there are selection interviews and a waiting list if there is no housing available. The units have 3 to 6 rooms available.
450 957-8557
Espace Suroît
The workers listen, advise, and refer any adult who has witnessed child abuse or who has questions following a child’s confidences, who does not know what to do in case of doubt, who would like activities to raise awareness about child abuse, etc. Although the offices are currently closed, you can contact them by phone, email or Messenger and they will get back to you within 24 to 48 hours.
Ancre & Ailes
The organization is also here for adults living or having lived a mental health problem or emotional distress, because Ancre et Ailes organizes workshops, discussion groups, coffee-shops on topics such as anxiety, recovery to improve one’s well-being and learn how to function, how to regain one’s balance. Within the framework of psychological distress, we have compensated during the pandemic by telephone intervention (between 9 am and 4 pm) (to be confirmed). The membership fee to access the services is $10/year. Programming ranges from art therapy to music therapy. Transportation is available (pick up in the morning and drop off in the evening). A maximum of 6 participants per day can be accommodated, so it is necessary to reserve your spot.
Eat well
La Bouffe Additionnelle
Food service in the form of a grocery bags (a 2$ voluntary contribution) in Huntingdon. Purchases are made by appointment only. Please call ahead to make an appointment and place your order. Delivery services offered upon volunteer availability. Donations are welcome by check or bank transfer. Please contact the organization to make arrangements for payment.
Centre communautaire Multi-services Un Coin Chez Nous
Meals-on-wheels services for people of all ages with a loss of autonomy, or families and underprivileged people in St-Chysostome. 5 different menus are prepared every week and orders are taken on the preceding week. Deliveries are done once a week, on Thursdays only. The delivery man will leave the bag on the porch, call the client so they can pay with exact money in an envelope. The 7$ meal includes soup, salad, main course, and dessert) and are offered in the Haut-Saint-Laurent region. Order now for next week.
Take time for yourself
Répit Le Zéphyr
The organization continues to offer in-home respite services throughout the Suroît (including the Haut-Saint-Laurent) for families caring for children with ID or ASD. They also have a respite home in Vaudreuil-Dorion and will be offering a day camp in the summer and during Spring Break (to be confirmed).
450-371-6825, poste 228 |
Website | Facebook
Camp Soleil de Mélissa
The organization is currently organizing a day camp to provide respite for families with intellectually disabled or autistic children aged 12 to 20. Registrations are currently underway, and a registration button is directly accessible from their Facebook page.
Having ambition
Huntingdon Learning Centre
Someone who wants to go back to school can do so at any time thanks to the Huntingdon Learning Center. The organization will help the person pass the equivalency exam and offers face-to-face French and math courses (to be confirmed) and English as a second language courses by videoconference (Zoom). Just call.
CJE Huntingdon
- Assistance in completing PCRE applications
- Job search
- Reorientation
- Return to school
- Service to employers
450 264-5858
Chateauguay Valley Literacy Council
The organization has developed English zoom courses that will be tested in January to be offered on YouTube in February. They have developed a series of stories about animals and in each case, they take the opportunity to bring a particular angle. For example, the first clip on farm animals is called The Fabulous Friend Machine and tells the story of… a chicken! The organization continues to develop PPT presentations to continue its literacy efforts and develop a taste for reading.